Zamieszczone przez shado
W kazdym razie odpowiadajac na Twoje pytanie idac na maxa to nie trzeba nic ciagnac, wystarczy wlaczyc w VAGu, ale jak z waga zresetowac to nie wiem... na 99% sie da, ale nie szukalem tego.
Po chwili zastanowienia i przegladnieciu strony, co dalem linka jest tam napisane:
First off, the new button only resets the TPMS learned values, after that it needs some some driving distance to relearn these values! The learned values are adpapted in several steps (speed ranges), each step (range) is devided into 2 thresholds in 2 stages (powered and rolling), you can check this using VAG-COM and read meas. block 031 in your ABS control module.
Quote, originally posted by VAG-COM Labelfile »
031,0,Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPMS) IV
; 0 = Nothing Learned
; 1 = Only 1st Threshold powered
; 2 = Only 2nd Threshold powered
; 3 = Only 1st Threshold rolling
; 4 = Only 2nd Threshold rolling
; 5 = 1st Threshold powered and rolling
; 6 = 1st Threshold powered and 2nd Threshold rolling
; 7 = 2nd Threshold powered and 1st Threshold rolling
; 8 = 2nd Threshold powered and rolling (Optimal)
031,1,Speed Ranges I
; 5?xxx = Speed Range 1 ( 15 - 70 km/h)
; 5x?xx = Speed Range 2 ( 70 - 100 km/h)
; 5xx?x = Speed Range 3 (100 - 130 km/h)
; 5xxx? = Speed Range 4 (130 - 160 km/h)
031,2,Speed Ranges II
; 5?xxx = Speed Range 5 (160 - 190 km/h)
; 5x?xx = Speed Range 6 (190 - 220 km/h)
; 5xx?x = Speed Range 7 (220 - 250 km/h)
; 5?x00 = Curve Recognition (0 = No Curve / 1 = Left or Right Curve learned / 2 = Complete Curve learned)
; 5x?00 = Wheel Recognition (0 = inactive / 1 = activ)
Optimal would be:
031 Field 1 = 58888
031 Field 2 = 58880
031 Field 3 = 52100
moze sie da ustawic w bloku 31 wartosc 50000 co bedzie oznaczac, ze sie wlasnie sterownik uczy
Zamieszczone przez Kapuhy