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Aktualizacja softu przekładni 3 generacji 1K0909144...
Aktualizacja softu przekładni 3 generacji 1K0909144...
W serwisach pojawiła się aktualizacja oprogramowania przekładni kierowniczej 3 generacji
Dotyczy ona:
1K0909144C 2301
1K0909144E 2501
1K0909144H 2901
1K0909144J 3001
1K0909144M 3201
1K0909144N 3301
1K0909144P 3305
Po aktualizacji sterownik ma numer 1K0909144R 3501. Nowy soft jest lekarstwem na błędy 16344, 16353, 16355
Hello, guys!
Just one question. Writing a small story about j500 power steering.
Need the following info.
How can I upgrade my ZF-3 1K0909144M 3201 to 1K0909144R 3501?
What file should I use on flash-disks? There is no 1K0909144R*3501*.sgo
Will this lh0013501.sgo brick my rack?
Big thanks for any answer.
P.S. I've seen TPI 2020089/12, regarding this upgrade. There is mentioning that after initial flashing, the rack becomes 1K0909144ZA, and after flashing curve itself (v074N.....) it becomes 1K0909144R. It seems that after flashing lh001****.sgo it changes PN to this 1K0909144ZA.
Alex.Skoda Octavia A5 FL 2011 7-DSG 1.8tsi (cdab)
nightrider, first you have to flash it by lh0023305.sgo file, now it will be visible as 1K0909144ZA. Now you have to flash it with lh0013501.sgo, after second file it will be 1K0909144R 3501, now you will have to set adaptation channels 3, 4, 9 and make Basic Setting of G85 and end points. Last step is flashing characteristic curve.
I use VAS-PC 19 and it doesn't want to flash curve in my Scirocco, don't know why.
You are using VAS or ODIS?
In my car I had 1K0909144C 2301. I flash it first time with lh0022901.sgo to 1K0909144Z, then I use lh0013001.sgo and it flashes to 1K0909144J 3001. I drive it few days after setting adpatation channels and G85. Then I flash it to ZA version and to R. I had to make adaptation second time. Actually I have 1K0909144R 3501 steering, but I will try to flash characteristic curve with Skoda brand cd, because on VW brand there is only online possibility.
i have seen this sequence of flashing in stt files from Flash DVDs.
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Zamieszczone przez 1 6 Dnightrider, first ... have to flash it by lh0023305.sgo file, now it will be visible as 1K0909144ZA. Now ... have to flash it with lh0013501.sgo, after second file it will be 1K0909144R 3501, now ... will have to set adaptation channels 3, 4, 9 and make Basic Setting of G85 and end points. Last step is flashing characteristic curve.
I use VAS-PC 19 and it doesn't want to flash curve in my Scirocco, don't know why.
... are using VAS or ODIS?
In my car I had 1K0909144C 2301. I flash it first time with lh0022901.sgo to 1K0909144Z, then I use lh0013001.sgo and it flashes to 1K0909144J 3001. I drive it few days after setting adpatation channels and G85. Then I flash it to ZA version and to R. I had to make adaptation second time. Actually I have 1K0909144R 3501 steering, but I will try to flash characteristic curve with Skoda brand cd, because on VW brand there is only online possibility.
i have seen this sequence of flashing in stt files from Flash DVDs.
I used to flash my rack only with Octavia RS curve (74) and Audi TT-RS (don't remember the number) with VAS-PC (j500 curve adaptation). Without flashing initial firmware.
But now I have VAG Can Pro, so started to discover possibilities of sgo files on various flash disks, related to j500 ecu.
As far as I know, there are two types of power steering racks - ZF and APA-BS. ZF of 3d generation have 1K0 and 8J0 indexes, APA-BS racks have 5N0 and 5N1. Flashing the wrong file can brick your rack w/o any possibility to recover ecu, as flashing overwrites ecu's bootloader with incorrect one.
So I'm a little bit scared of flashing the rack on my car... I want to order from ebay j500 module (with power steering motor) for tests...
We have some people, who say they can modify characteristic curve the way they want.
Don't know if it is true.
What about online VW flashing. There are no interesting curves in VW's flash dvds, imho. Skoda Octavia RS, Superb Sport, Audi TT-RS are much better. I've created this thread in VCP forum with list of almost all available curves from latest public marken skoda, vw, audi and seat CDs. Select file, then flash it with odis_e. I still don't know if sgo files, containing only characteristic curves (without initial firmware) are compatible between ZF and APA racks, so I recommend you to flash only sgo files with 1Z0/8J0 index.
I flash it first time with lh0022901.sgo to 1K0909144Z, then I use lh0013001.sgo and it flashes to 1K0909144J 3001.
i have seen this sequence of flashing in stt files from Flash DVDs.
funny board engine, it replaces y_o_u with "..." )))
Skoda Octavia A5 FL 2011 7-DSG 1.8tsi (cdab)
So first file is in Skoda 1.0 Flasg DVD, name is lhk_44.stt:
Kod:;STEUERTABELLE FÜR PROGRAMMIERBARE STEUERGERÄTE ;ADRESSWORT: 44.EPS ;DATEINAME: LKH_44.STT ;BEARBEITER: gx0630 ; ;Teile-Nr/Dateiname/Teile-Nr.Update/Dateiname Update/Bemerkung ;------------------------------------------------------------- 1K0909144C ;2301 ;1K0909144Z ;lh0022901.sgo; 1K0909144Z ;lh0022901.sgo; ;------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------- 1K0909144E ;2501 ;1K0909144Z ;lh0022901.sgo; 1K0909144Z ;lh0022901.sgo; ;------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------- 1K0909144Z ;2901 ;1K0909144H ;lh0012901.sgo; 1K0909144H ;lh0012901.sgo; ;-------------------------------------------------------------
In file lhk_44.stt from VW flash DVD 52 is this part:
Kod:; --- 1K0909144J - AM2663336 1K0909144Z; 2901; DUM000001; lh0013001.sgo; 1K0909144J 1K0909144H; 2901; DUM000001; lh0013001.sgo; 1K0909144J DUM000001; lh0013001.sgo; ; ; 1K0909144J
Kod:; --- 1K0909144P - AM2675486 1K0909144ZA; 3305; 1K0909144P; lh0013305.sgo; 1K0909144P; lh0013305.sgo; ; ;
Kod:; --- 1K0909144ZA - AM2675162 1K0909144N; 3301; DUM000142; lh0023305.sgo; 1K0909144ZA DUM000142; lh0023305.sgo; ; ; 1K0909144ZA
I want to flash in my Scirocco kl.251 which is used in Golf R and Scirocco R, my factory setting was kl.69 which is in Golf VI 1,6 TDI or Yeti too. kl.251 is only in sgo files. I use VAS and I tried to write proper stt file to flash this characteristic. But there was strange thing.
I have created this:
Kod:1K0909144R; 3501; DUM000140; v074N2511K0___Lenkung.sgo; 1K0909144R DUM000140; v074N2511K0___Lenkung.sgo; ; ; 1K0909144R
Similar direction is in stt files from Seat Flash DVDs
Kod:; STEUERTABELLE FUER PROGRAMMIERBARE STEUERGERAETE ; ERZEUGT DURCH SERVICE42 AM 11.06.2012 15:24:07 CEST ; BEARBEITER : SESCHNE ; ADRESSWORT : 44 ; DATEINAME : lkh_44.stt ; Part-No.; Filename; Part-No. Update; Filename Update; Comment ; -------------------------------------------------------------- ; --- 1K0909144C - AM2668740 1K0909144C; 2001; DUM000057; v074L1591K0___Lenkung_2301.sgo; 1K0909144C DUM000057; v074L1591K0___Lenkung_2301.sgo; ; ; 1K0909144C ; --- 1K0909144E - AM2668740 1K0909144E; 2501; DUM000056; v074L1591K0___Lenkung_2301.sgo; 1K0909144E DUM000056; v074L1591K0___Lenkung_2301.sgo; ; ; 1K0909144E ; --- 1K0909144H - AM2668740 1K0909144H; 2901; DUM000058; v074N1591K0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo; 1K0909144H DUM000058; v074N1591K0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo; ; ; 1K0909144H ; --- 1K0909144J - AM2668740 1K0909144J; 3001; DUM000059; v074N1591K0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo; 1K0909144J 1K0909144H; 2901; DUM000059; lh0013001.sgo; 1K0909144J DUM000059; lh0013001.sgo; ; ; 1K0909144J ; --- 1K0909144M - AM2668740 1K0909144M; 3201; DUM000055; v074N1591K0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo; 1K0909144M DUM000055; v074N1591K0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo; ; ; 1K0909144M ; --- 1K0909144P - AM2675161 1K0909144ZA; 3305; DUM000140; lh0013305.sgo; 1K0909144P 1K0909144P; 3305; DUM000140; v074N0651K0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo; 1K0909144P DUM000140; v074N0651K0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo; ; ; 1K0909144P
Can y0u write your own file in Skoda script maybe?
I want use this file:
Size is the same like in "v074N0691K0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo" or "v074N0741K0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo" which contain OII RS characteristic.
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U can simply edit the script in C:\SIDIS\home\dat.<your_language>\skoda_31\docs\t7\testprog
t7 = Skoda Octavia
There are two files we need
U have to replace in tst file this string (line ~323):
\45\_CALC_ strNAME = 'v074N0741K0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo'
v074N0741K0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo - with your desired filename.
In your case it is v074N2511K0___Lenkung.sgo
Then u may edit ttx language file. Reference point is TXFRAGE52 varibale and text inside it:
Characteristic curve \L\S\K\A74\L\S\K\N ... Octavia II RS.
Then u have to start VAS-PC, Guided Functions -> Octavia 2004 -> Power steering (after abs items) -> J500 curve adaptation and select your renamed curve in ttx file (or Octavia II RS if u didn't rename it).
U can also send me this two files and I will make necessary changes.
Size is the same like in "v074N0691K0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo" or "v074N0741K0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo" which contain OII RS characteristic.Skoda Octavia A5 FL 2011 7-DSG 1.8tsi (cdab)
Today I have flashed characteristic to kl.074, I will try to change script, but I have searche with Total Commander and this name od file is in 3 places, so maybe I should change all?
If this is to easy to change, let make it fully customized or it can be copied to VW. I think to backup this two files and make one new version with RS3, TT-RS, OII RS, Golf/Scirocco R.
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Zamieszczone przez 1 6 DToday I have flashed characteristic to kl.074, I will try to change script, but I have searche with Total Commander and this name od file is in 3 places, so maybe I should change all?
If this is to easy to change, let make it fully customized or it can be copied to VW. I think to backup this two files and make one new version with RS3, TT-RS, OII RS, Golf/Scirocco R.
Moreover, it is possible to make custom script to flash curve with sgo. E.g. u specify the name of sgo file during this curve adaptation, and vas-pc flashes it.
But it needs time for searching script language examples...however, there is no need in this as u can do the same thing with odis engineering...Skoda Octavia A5 FL 2011 7-DSG 1.8tsi (cdab)
I'm thinking why flashing is not possible when I make stt file for VAS. Only with this Skoda script. I have backuped this two files and I'm starting to make my own list of characteristics,
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Zamieszczone przez 1 6 DI'm thinking why flashing is not possible when I make stt file for VAS. Only with this Skoda script. I have backuped this two files and I'm starting to make my own list of characteristics,Skoda Octavia A5 FL 2011 7-DSG 1.8tsi (cdab)
On flash DVD y0u can find about 64 characteristics only for 1K0 steering, there is 5N1 steering too but don't know if there is offline script to flashing it.
kl.051 Mobility-Aid for disabled people
kl.067 curve 0 (691-755 kg) Scirocco, Golf, Yeti, Octavia
kl.068 curve 1 (756-825 kg) Scirocco, Golf, Yeti, Octavia
kl.069 curve 2 (826-875 kg) Scirocco, Golf, Yeti, Octavia
kl.070 curve 3 (876-935 kg) Scirocco, Golf, Yeti, Octavia
kl.071 curve 4 (936-1050 kg) Scirocco, Golf, Yeti, Octavia
kl.074 Octavia RS, (Scirocco 2.0 TSI, Golf VI GTI)
kl.140 Caddy
kl.193 curve 0 (776-845 kg) Superb
kl.194 curve 1 (846-885 kg) Superb
kl.195 curve 2 (886-920 kg) Superb
kl.196 curve 3 (921-960 kg) Superb
kl.197 curve 4 (961-1000 kg) Superb
kl.198 Superb Sport (1001-1045 kg)
kl.232 curve 7 for light weight vehicle (probably for A3)
kl.233 curve 8 for heavy vehicle (probably for A3)
kl.234 Audi S3
kl.235 Audi TT Front wheel drive vehicle
kl.236 Audi TT All wheel drive vehicle (4WD)
kl.237 Audi TTS
kl.239 Audi TTRS
kl.240 Audi TT Front wheel drive vehicle
kl.241 Audi TT All wheel drive vehicle (4WD) and TTS
kl.243 Audi RS3
kl.251 Scirocco R, Golf R
kl.283 Mobility-Aid for disabled people
There could be more of it.
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Zamieszczone przez spacewalkerMy one is 5N1 .... but I am not gonna try SW update. All is working so no point for me.
Is not a cluster which ... can replace within a 5 min 8)
It is 100% risk free if you will follow the instructions.
Finally I figured out how to flash the rack (thanks to 16D 8) ), the next step is to find out how to edit a curve...Downloaded eeprom from my rack, digging it for any clues how all this works.Skoda Octavia A5 FL 2011 7-DSG 1.8tsi (cdab)
U want to create own curve characteristic? Maybe you should decode few sgo files with characteristics to bin and look inside with hex editor or something. Find same data which could be speed values for example.
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Zamieszczone przez 1 6 DU want to create own curve characteristic? Maybe ... should decode few sgo files with characteristics to bin and look inside with hex editor or something. Find same data which could be speed values for example.
Some sgo crypted with AES, so there is no luck (yet....) to decode them. Feels we have to use some kind of disassembler...Skoda Octavia A5 FL 2011 7-DSG 1.8tsi (cdab)
I found something about updating 5N1 Steering on Seat flash DVD:
Kod:; --- 5N1909144J - AM2678948 5N1909144J; 0503; 5N1909144J; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; 5N1909144J; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; ; ; ; --- 5N1909144K - AM2678948 5N1909144K; 0703; 5N1909144K; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; 5N1909144K; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; ; ; ; --- 5N1909144L - AM2668736 5N1909144L; 1002; 5N1909144L; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; 5N1909144L; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; ; ; ; --- 5N1909144M - AM2668736 DUM000027; v074N2378J0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo; 5N1909144M; v074N2388J0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo ; Mehrfachflashen 5N1909144M; 1002; 5N1909144M; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; 5N1909144M; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; ; ;
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Zamieszczone przez nightrider.......
U can download latest available TPIs and search thru them for the info about new firmwares.
It is 100% risk free if ... will follow the instructions.
Finally I figured out how to flash the rack (thanks to 16D 8) ), the next step is to find out how to edit a curve...Downloaded eeprom from my rack, digging it for any clues how all this works.
Address 44: Steering Assist Labels: 5N1-909-144.clb
Part No SW: 5N1 909 144 M HW: 5N1 909 148 G
Component: J500__APA-BS KL.310 1002
Probably newest version file is 5N1909144R_1401_BP.sgo, but for sure we need find TPI about this.
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Zamieszczone przez 1 6 DI found something about updating 5N1 Steering on Seat flash DVD:
Kod:; --- 5N1909144J - AM2678948 5N1909144J; 0503; 5N1909144J; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; 5N1909144J; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; ; ; ; --- 5N1909144K - AM2678948 5N1909144K; 0703; 5N1909144K; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; 5N1909144K; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; ; ; ; --- 5N1909144L - AM2668736 5N1909144L; 1002; 5N1909144L; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; 5N1909144L; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; ; ; ; --- 5N1909144M - AM2668736 DUM000027; v074N2378J0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo; 5N1909144M; v074N2388J0___Lenkung_Reibung.sgo ; Mehrfachflashen 5N1909144M; 1002; 5N1909144M; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; 5N1909144M; 5N1909144N_1101.sgo; ; ;
5N1909144N_1401_BP.sgo is 100% safe to flash on
5N1909144M 5N1909148G J500_APA-BS KL.286 H03 1002Skoda Octavia A5 FL 2011 7-DSG 1.8tsi (cdab)