Zamieszczone przez tomiss
W jednym z postów ktoś podał kodowania dla TPMS i stwierdził, że udało Mu się to uruchomić:
"- TPM:
1. 03 ABS Brakes
2. STG Adaptation -> function 10
3. Choose Tire pressure monitoring display
4. verified Store value is 2
5. the same value stored is on Tire pressure monitoring display;tire selection
in Long Coding the latest 3 Bytes on my side was 004002 and I changed with 70C002
to see the menu in bolero :
1. 5F Information
2. STG Adaptation -> function 10
3. Choose (13) - Vehicle function list BAP-tire_pressure_system_0x07
4. Set value to active
verified if (14)-Vehicle function list BAB-tire_pressure_system_0x07_msg_bus have value: Suspension data bus
1. 5F Information
2. STG Adaptation -> function 10
3. Choose (56)-Vehicle menu operation-menu_display_rdk
4. Set value to active
verified if this option is actiated: (58)- Vehicle menu operation-menu_display_rdk_over_threshold_high
1. 17 Instruments
2. STG Long Coding -> function 7
3. Byte 04
4. Enable bit 0 -> Indirect Tire Pressure Monitoring System(TPMS) instaled."